hegel logik wiki
The rational, self-conscious whole is not a thing or being that lies outside of other existing things or minds. [105] Pure being and pure non-being or nothingness are, for Hegel, abstractions from the reality of becoming and this is also how he interprets Heraclitus. Ludwig Fischer and his mother (whom Hegel may have offered to marry following the death of her husband) stayed behind in Jena. Významným spôsobom ovplyvnil myslenie o štáte. According to Hegel, this unity evolved through and manifested itself in contradiction and negation. [62] Sharing a dislike for what they regarded as the restrictive environment of the Seminary, the three became close friends and mutually influenced each other's ideas. Although these propositions are found in history (the first in Parmenides, the last in Christianity), he thinks that contained in history is a process of thought in which the agent comes to appreciate its own nature, not just by comparing it with experience, but by identifying contradictions found in experience but which pertain also to the nature of the concepts which that experience embodies. That history should resemble this dialectic indicated to Hegel that history is something rational. Isto débese a que, como Hegel suxire pola súa introdución do concepto de «realidade», o que … A casual glance at the contents page of the Science of Logic (1812-16) will be enough to establish that his idea of Logic is both different and far more extended than will be familiar to the modern reader of texts on Logic. The triadic form that appears in many places in Hegel (e.g. Ashgate. It does not occur anywhere in, "One of the few things on which the analysts, pragmatists, and existentialists agree with the dialectical theologians is that Hegel is to be repudiated: their attitude toward Kant, Aristotle, Plato, and the other great philosophers is not at all unanimous even within each movement; but opposition to Hegel is part of the platform of all four, and of the Marxists, too.". È ritenuto uno dei massimi filosofi di tutti i tempi. While in Nuremberg, Hegel adapted his recently published Phenomenology of Spirit for use in the classroom. However, Hegel interprets not-A as not existing at all, not nothing at all, which cannot be conceived, but an indeterminate or "pure" being without particularity or specificity. What, we may ask, is the being at issue (in the "is") and what is its relation to the other terms? Posteriorment, va treballar com a professor en … Every outlook in other words, is to be studied not merely as an academic possibility but as an existential reality". In 1812 Hegel published his first volume of his 'Wissenschaft der Logik' ('Science of Logic') and the work was completed by the second volume in 1813 and a third in … Like Plato, with his dualism of soul versus bodily appetites, Kant pursued the mind's ability to question its felt inclinations or appetites and to come up with a standard of "duty" (or, in Plato's case, "good") which transcends bodily restrictiveness. 1 of Encyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften. By this he means that he speaks in terms of our mental concepts, judgments and inferences (e.g. ISBN 0-521-84484-3. Ishte i biri i një nëpunësi te thjeshtë te financave mbretërore. [98], Central to Hegel's conception of knowledge, mind, and reality was identity in difference; mind externalizes itself in various forms and objects and stands outside or opposed to them and, through recognizing itself in them, is "with itself" in these external manifestations so that they are at one and the same time mind and other-than-mind. That said, Hegel is innovative even by these lights! Hegelov otec bol vyšším úradníkom vo vojvodových službách. However, Hegel himself describes the system as a "circle of circles:", ...the science presents itself as a circle that winds around itself, where the mediation winds the end back to the beginning which is the simple ground; the circle is thus a circle of circles, for each single member ensouled by the method is reflected into itself so that, in returning to the beginning it is at the same time the beginning of a new member.[92]. His philosophy of spirit conceptually integrates psychology, the state, history, art, religion and philosophy. "[80], The affinity between Hegel and Kant's logics ("speculative" and "transcendental" respectively) is apparent in their vocabulary. Kaufmann and Shlomo Avineri have criticized Popper's theories about Hegel. ISBN 0-19-929064-4; Kalkavage, Peter, 2007. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Stuttgart, Württemberg, 27 d'agost del 1770 - Berlín, Prússia, 14 de novembre del 1831) va ser un filòsof alemany pertanyent a l'idealisme. --Stephen Cowley 14:10, 16 September 2006 (IST). His father, Georg Ludwig, was Rentkammersekretär (secretary to the revenue office) at the court of Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg. Mama sa, Maria Magdalena Fromm (1741- 1783) provine dintr-o familie cultivată de juriști și a participat la formarea intelectuală a fiilor săi până în pragul morții sale premature. [87] Hegel understood the history of philosophy to be a trans-historical socratic argument concerning the identity of the Absolute. [133], In the last half of the 20th century, Hegel's philosophy underwent a major renaissance. "[81], So how are the categories derived? [citation needed]. "On Hegel—A Study in Sorcery", in J. T. Fraser, F. Haber & G. Muller (eds. Häntä pidetään saksalaisen idealismin tärkeimpänä edustajana. This article is intended to introduce the reader to a study of Hegel's Logic.It is not intended as a substitute for such a study or as a commentary upon the Logic.. Heraclitus did not form any abstract nouns from his ordinary use of "to be" and "to become" and seemed to oppose any identity A to any other identity B, C and so on, which is not-A. Doctrines of judgment investigate relations of subject and predicate; and doctrines of inference lay out the forms of syllogisms originally found in Aristotelian term logic. In his discussion of "Spirit" in his Encyclopedia, Hegel praises Aristotle's On the Soul as "by far the most admirable, perhaps even the sole, work of philosophical value on this topic". The idea of the absolute excludes multiplicity so the subjective and objective must achieve synthesis to become whole. [63] They watched the unfolding of the French Revolution with shared enthusiasm. In accordance with his wishes, Hegel was buried in the Dorotheenstadt cemetery next to Fichte and Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger. The more recent movement of communitarianism has a strong Hegelian influence. Authors he read include the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock and writers associated with the Enlightenment, such as Christian Garve and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. From Concept to Objectivity: Thinking Through Hegel's Subjective Logic. Today this faction continues among conservative Protestants, such as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which was founded by missionaries from Germany when the Hegelian Right was active. Kant used the term Veränderung (change) instead of Werden, however, and the designation of ontological categories by name is itself a complex topic. Each new logic book staked a new claim in a century-long expansionist turf war among philosophical trends.[79]. Nevertheless, Hegel assumed that his readers are well-versed in Western philosophy. For his god, Hegel does not take the logos of Heraclitus but refers to the nous of Anaxagoras, although he may well have regarded them the same as he continues to refer to god's plan, which is identical to God. This mind comprehends all of these phases and sub-parts as steps in its own process of comprehension. It is rational because the same, underlying, logical, developmental order underlies every domain of reality and self-conscious rational thought, although only in the later stages of development does it come to full self-consciousness. According to Wikipedia: "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher, and with Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, one of the creators of German idealism. [135] American neoconservative political theorist Francis Fukuyama's controversial book The End of History and the Last Man (1992) was heavily influenced by Kojève. In Reason and Revolution (1941), Herbert Marcuse made the case for Hegel as a revolutionary and criticized Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse's thesis that Hegel was a totalitarian. This focus on freedom is what generates Plato's notion (in the Phaedo, Republic and Timaeus) of the soul as having a higher or fuller kind of reality than that possessed by inanimate objects. Hegel's Logic however is a synthetic logic in which much that might more naturally be called metaphysics is treated as inseparable from what we call logical or conceptual truth. Regarded from the standpoint of division or disunion, its potential Being is for it an Other, and it itself is natural will; it is divided within itself, and this division is so far its feeling or consciousness of a contradiction, and there is thus given along with it the necessity for the abolition of the contradiction. ); 1984; "[T]he task that touches the interest of philosophy most nearly at the present moment: to put God back at the peak of philosophy, absolutely prior to all else as the one and only ground of everything." If we try to to reverse the statement: "A man is Socrates" is liable to be false. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (født 27. august 1770 i Stuttgart, død 14. november 1831 i Berlin) var tysk teolog og filosof. Hegel war Kind eines pietistischen Beamten. Twentieth-century interpretations of Hegel were mostly shaped by British idealism, logical positivism, Marxism and Fascism. Hegel secured a position at the University of Jena as a Privatdozent (unsalaried lecturer) after submitting the inaugural dissertation De Orbitis Planetarum, in which he briefly criticized arguments that assert—based on Bode's Law or other arbitrary choice of mathematical series—there must exist a planet between Mars and Jupiter. Va rebre la seva formació en el Tübinger Stift (seminari luterà adscrit a la Universitat de Tübingen), on va fer amistat amb el futur filòsof Friedrich Schelling i el poeta Friedrich Hölderlin. [citation needed]. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (* 27.August 1770 in Stuttgart; † 14. Søren Kierkegaard Concluding Unscientific Postscriptt. From the time of Leibniz to the widespread adoption of Frege's logic in the 1930s, every standard work on logic consisted of three divisions: doctrines of concept, judgment, and inference. The Logic of Desire: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. The State involves three "moments". Although Hegel's writing is very inaccessible and suffers as a result of his philosophical idealism, an … Doctrines of concept address the systematic, hierarchical relations of the most general classes of things. [142] In a similar vein, Robert Pippin notes that some view Hegel as having "the ugliest prose style in the history of the German language". ; 1984; 'The Significance of Hegel's separation of the state and civil society' pp1-13 in Pelczynski, A.Z. [89], The "thing as it is in itself" is indeed knowable: it is the indeterminate, "futural" aspect of the thing we experience—it is what we will come to know. ISBN 3-7873-1585-3. From here on, I summarise the outline of Hegel's argument, using the Science of Logic rather than the Encyclopaedia. Juli 2008 an der Universität Kassel durchführten. While Aristotle criticized Plato's "Forms", he preserved Plato's ontological implications for self-determination: ethical reasoning, the soul's pinnacle in the hierarchy of nature, the order of the cosmos and reasoned arguments for a prime mover. Hegel was born on 27 August 1770 in Stuttgart, capital of the Duchy of Württemberg in southwestern Germany. Hegel's remaining two sons—Karl, who became a historian; and Immanuel [de], who followed a theological path—lived long and safeguarded their father's manuscripts and letters, and produced editions of his works. In 1818, Hegel accepted the renewed offer of the chair of philosophy at the University of Berlin, which had remained vacant since Johann Gottlieb Fichte's death in 1814. In the United States, Hegel's influence is evident in pragmatism. Beginning in the 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, a fresh reading of Hegel took place in the West. [118], Hegel seemed to have an ambivalent relationship with magic, myth and Paganism. 大河内 泰樹 (おおこうち たいじゅ、1973年 - )は、日本の哲学者。専攻はドイツ観念論、フランクフルト学派。京都大学大学院文学研究科教授。元唯物論研究協会副委員長。2009年日本ヘーゲル学会研究奨 … As the logical Idea is seen to unfold itself in a process from the abstract to the concrete, so in the history of philosophy the earliest systems are the most abstract, and thus at the same time the poorest...[86]. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27 Augustus 1770 – 14 November 1831) was 'n Duitse filosoof.Hy word as 'n belangrike figuur in die Duitse idealisme beskou. habil. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (født 27. august 1770 i Stuttgart, død 14. november 1831 i Berlin) var en tysk filosof. His relations with his employers becoming strained, Hegel accepted an offer mediated by Hölderlin to take up a similar position with a wine merchant's family in Frankfurt in 1797. The book concludes with a highly abstract vindication of the idea of God as Spirit. Hegel's influence was immense in philosophy and other sciences. Author's preface to "On The Fourfold Root of the Principle of sufficient reason. All three together are called "ethical life" (Sittlichkeit). [95]:146 Rather than stress the singularity of each factor that complements and conflicts with the others, the relationship between finite and infinite (and particular and universal, and nature and freedom) becomes intelligible as a progressively developing and self-perfecting whole. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (* 27. august 1770, Stuttgart – † 14. november 1831, Berlín) bol nemecký filozof, predstaviteľ nemeckej klasickej filozofie, autor systematickej teórie dialektiky . Cambridge University Press. A number of other works on the philosophy of history, religion, aesthetics and the history of philosophy[123] were compiled from the lecture notes of his students and published posthumously. O finito ten que chegar a ser infinito para acadar a realidade. [93]:127–128 All three find common ground on the unique position of humans in the universe, relative to animals and inanimate objects. (Karl Barth. His master–slave dialectic has been influential, especially in 20th-century France. Spirit, as possessed of freedom, does not belong to the sphere of things limited; it, as being what thinks and knows in an absolute way, has the universal for its object; this is eternity, which is not simply duration, as duration can be predicated of mountains, but knowledge. As usual, he gives a tour of the concepts that are used, from illusion through appearance to reality, in talking about this aspect of experience. Kant spoke of Entstehen (coming-to-be) and Vergehen (ceasing-to-be), the same two terms that Hegel used to refer to the two compositional elements of Werden (becoming). In other words, it is not enough to consider propositions, or even the content of consciousness; "it is worthwhile to ask in every instance what kind of spirit would entertain such propositions, hold such views, and have such a consciousness. During this period, he composed the text which has become known as the Life of Jesus and a book-length manuscript titled "The Positivity of the Christian Religion". A idea do absoluto exclúe multiplicidade para que o suxeito e o obxectivo logren a síntese para chegar a ser enteiros. Having received his theological certificate (Konsistorialexamen) from the Tübingen Seminary, Hegel became Hofmeister (house tutor) to an aristocratic family in Bern (1793–1796). This contrasts with some modern theorists of conceptual change, e.g. Hegel talar ofta om hur dialektiken, som han själv kallade för spekulativ logik, i en första fas är i-sig (an-sich) och hur den utvecklas, mognar och når sin övermogna fas där konflikt och självmotsägelser blir tydliga. as a mystic and hermetic thinker. [144] Karl Popper quoted Schopenhauer as stating, "Should you ever intend to dull the wits of a young man and to incapacitate his brains for any kind of thought whatever, then you cannot do better than give Hegel to read...A guardian fearing that his ward might become too intelligent for his schemes might prevent this misfortune by innocently suggesting the reading of Hegel. [147], Isaiah Berlin listed Hegel as one of the six architects of modern authoritarianism who undermined liberal democracy, along with Rousseau, Claude Adrien Helvétius, Fichte, Saint-Simon and Joseph de Maistre. Those without this background would be advised to begin with one of the many general introductions to his thought. Häntä pidetään saksalaisen idealismin tärkeimpänä edustajana. In this manner, a solution that is reached in principle in the account of "true infinity" in the Science of Logic's chapter on "Quality" is repeated in new guises at later stages, all the way to "Spirit" and "ethical life" in the third volume of the Encyclopedia. Phänomenologie des Geistes; Wissenschaft der Logik; Enzyklopadie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse; Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts; Girêdanên derve. Especially crucial are Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and Kant's immediate successors, most prominently Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling. [125] After less than a generation, Hegel's philosophy was banned by the Prussian right-wing and was firmly rejected by the left-wing in multiple official writings. [146] Popper also makes the claim in the second volume of The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945) that Hegel's system formed a thinly veiled justification for the absolute rule of Frederick William III and that Hegel's idea of the ultimate goal of history was to reach a state approximating that of 1830s Prussia. Felsefeya George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; Ev rûpel cara dawî 5 Kanûna pêşîn 2020, saet li 00:19an de hatiye guhartin. Every member loves the State with genuine patriotism, but has transcended simple "team spirit" by reflectively endorsing their citizenship. For Hegel, analysis or comprehension of a thing or idea reveals that underneath its apparently simple identity or unity is an underlying inner contradiction. Hegel's thought is revolutionary in that it is a philosophy of absolute negation—as long as absolute negation is at the center, systematization remains open, making it possible for human beings to become subjects. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27. srpna 1770, Stuttgart – 14. listopadu 1831, Berlín) byl filosof, představitel německého idealismu.Hegelovým hlavním přínosem je objev dějinnosti: svět není neměnné, stálé uspořádání, nýbrž jedno nesmírné dějství, v němž světový duch hledá cestu sám k sobě. Hegel devoted himself primarily to delivering lectures; his lectures on aesthetics, the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of history and the history of philosophy were published posthumously from students' notes. Spirit must reflect upon itself, and in this way disunion arises, it must not remain at the point at which it is seen not to be what it is potentially, but must become adequate to its Concept, it must become universal Spirit. Each is avowedly influenced by the late Wilfred Sellars, also of Pittsburgh, who referred to his Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind (1956) as a series of "incipient Méditations Hegeliennes" (in homage to Edmund Husserl's 1931 Méditations cartésiennes). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ur. Passing over the rather abstract considerations by which Hegel shows in his Logik the process of the idea-in-itself through being to becoming, and finally through essence to notion, we take up the study of the development of the idea at the point where it enters into otherness in nature. [111] This led Hegelian philosopher, jurist and politician Carl Friedrich Göschel (1784–1861) to write a treatise demonstrating the consistency of Hegel's philosophy with Christian doctrine on the soul's immortality (Von den Beweisen für die Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele im Lichte der spekulativen Philosophie: eine Ostergabe – From the evidence of the immortality of the human soul in the light of speculative philosophy: an Easter gift) (Berlin: Verlag von Duncker und Humblot, 1835). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (født 27. august 1770 i Stuttgart, død 14. november 1831 i Berlin) var tysk teolog og filosof. Karen Ng writes that "there is a central, recurring rhetorical device that Hegel returns to again and again throughout his philosophical system: that of describing the activity of reason and thought in terms of the dynamic activity and development of organic life. This book takes a phenomenalist approach to the question of real essences in experience. "[51] Martin Heidegger observed in his 1969 work Identity and Difference and in his personal Black Notebooks that Hegel's system in an important respect "consummates western philosophy"[52][53][54] by completing the idea of the logos, the self-grounding ground, in thinking through the identification of Being and beings, which is "the theme of logic", writing "[I]t is... incontestable that Hegel, faithful to tradition, sees the matter of thinking in beings as such and as a whole, in the movement of Being from its emptiness to its developed fullness. Contradiction and negation have the dynamic quality that every point in each domain of reality—consciousness, history, philosophy, art, nature and society—leads to further development until a rational unity is reached that preserves the contradictions as phases and sub-parts by lifting them up (Aufhebung) to a higher unity. The universe as becoming is a combination of being and non-being. Den övergår då i Hegel was appointed University Rector of the University in October 1829, but his term ended in September 1830. [60] Hegel had a sister, Christiane Luise (1773–1832); and a brother, Georg Ludwig (1776–1812), who perished as an officer during Napoleon's 1812 Russian campaign. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (IPA: [ˈgeɔʁk ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈheːgəl]) (lahir 27 Agustus 1770 – meninggal 14 November 1831 pada umur 61 tahun) adalah seorang filsuf idealis Jerman yang lahir di Stuttgart, Württemberg, kini di Jerman barat daya. There are views of Hegel's thought as the summit of early 19th-century German philosophical idealism. [36] For example, "the roots of post-structuralism and its unifying basis lies, in large part, in a general opposition not to the philosophical tradition tout court but specifically to the Hegelian tradition" dominating philosophy in the twentieth century prior to post-structuralism. Hegel distinguished between civil society and state in his Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Maurice Merleau-Ponty (trans. Hegel influenced writers of widely varying … Unable to find more suitable employment, Hegel reluctantly accepted. Thus they urge the reader to lay aside the very difficult "transition" passages in which Hegel seeks to move from one essay to another. Hegel was born in Stuttgart in 1770, just 620 km from Paris. Joan Staumbaugh). November 1831 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Philosoph, der als wichtigster Vertreter des deutschen Idealismus gilt. Reason however, he thinks, operates on any given understanding and does so in two ways. Kant derived his own table of categories (the twelve pure or "ancestral" concepts of the understanding that structure all experience irrespective of content) from a standard term-logical table of judgments, noting also that, ...the true ancestral concepts...also have their equally pure derivative concepts, which could by no means be passed over in a complete system of transcendental philosophy, but with the mere mention of which I can be satisfied in a merely critical essay. ISBN 0-521-29199-2. Hegel ise oli seisukohal, et saksa keel on filosofeerimiseks eriti sobiv. According to their argument, although Hegel referred to "the two elemental considerations: first, the idea of freedom as the absolute and final aim; secondly, the means for realising it, i.e. (Hegel has been seen in the twentieth century as the originator of the thesis, antithesis, synthesis triad,[34] but as an explicit phrase it originated with Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Other readers have seen the transition passages as indicating only a progressive removal of abstraction and a return to a common sense view of reality (Seth, Trendelenburg). He started Hegelianism and is a part of German Idealism. Winfield, Richard Dien. It was published in two volumes. In the opening of the Logic, Hegel sets out his stall in general terms as follows. Whatever the nous thinks at any time is actual substance and is identical to limited being, but more remains in the substrate of non-being, which is identical to pure or unlimited thought. By 14 November, Hegel was dead. p. 100, In the 1870s and 1880s, Rev. the subjective side of knowledge and will, with its life, movement, and activity" (thesis and antithesis), he did not use "synthesis", but instead spoke of the "Whole": "We then recognised the State as the moral Whole and the Reality of Freedom, and consequently as the objective unity of these two elements". "Rezension des Aenesidemus" ("Review of Aenesidemus"), This term is actually quite rare in Hegel's writings. Links to other languages: Deutsch; under construction (needs native speakers as volunteers): Francais - Italiano - Espanol This is the main page of the new Wiki for the Hegel.net pages. Hegels Philosophie erhebt den Anspruch, die gesamte Wirklichkeit in der Vielfalt ihrer Erscheinungsformen einschließlich ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung zusammenhängend, systematisch und definitiv zu deuten. "Why did Hegel not become for the Protestant world something similar to what Thomas Aquinas was for Roman Catholicism?" Kaufmann). Hegel further attests that God (as Jesus) not only died, but "[...] rather, a reversal takes place: God, that is to say, maintains himself in the process, and the latter is only the death of death. [136] The Swiss theologian Hans Küng has also advanced contemporary Hegelian scholarship. However, Hegel used this classification only once and he attributed the terminology to Kant. His father, Georg Ludwig, was Rentkammersekretär (secretary to the revenue office) at the court of Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg.
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