stefano salvi ingv
End users sit on the committee but do not vote. Stefano Salvi Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, National Earthquake Center, Rome, Italy ( The Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories initiative began with the "Frascati declaration" at the conclusion of the 3rd International Geohazards workshop of GEO held in November 2007 in Frascati, Italy. 9 0 obj <> G-3905-2011 . �X�B3x��͘�9�U�.��Xs�j���~`�q�rqM��/B��ZY�Q�7㫋��r�A;�vt�l�"�s���C*��)Ɣ� GEO Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories (GSNL): Stefano Salvi (INGV) Sang-Ho Yun (NASA) Description. 2 0 obj var addy021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177 = 'direzione.generale' + '@'; Geohazard Supersites & Natural Laboratories They all have high seismic and/or volcanic hazard: Tectonic activity x��VMo�@�[�������G��P$��`\�5Jb�E��ٍӔƭ(9�����{3�oחi3ι��;p����:M>?�U�fpi��ss&��9�KzJrhiA*��q��a�A�{���2LƢ8s��0�?͙E��"����-s��=3ô[,��1̕�Y ��5�+�|xU�Jk-�NhAȅ�!�W9�� �\�y�->;� L�$� 4 0 obj document.getElementById('cloak021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177').innerHTML = ''; Observers may be invited to join in meetings as required or deemed appropriate. 11 0 obj Event Summary Description. EVER-EST implements innovative and state-of-the-art technolo- Salvatore Stramondo 1 and Stefano Salvi 1 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Roma, Italy; ... (S.A.); (S.S.); (S.S.) 2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Meccanica (DICeM), Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Profile ... Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione ONT, Roma, Italia . var addy_text021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177 = 'direzione.generale' + '@' + 'ingv' + '.' + 'it';document.getElementById('cloak021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177').innerHTML += ''+addy_text021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177+'<\/a>'; Entering this not that into the search form will return results with "this" and not "that".. S. Salvi, Delibera CdA n.679/2018, Titolare del potere sostitutivo: Direzione Generale email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. In this framework, the ASI and DPC requested that INGV activated the Space-based Monitoring System for Seismic Risk Management (SIGRIS). %PDF-1.5 Stefano Salvi - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Via di Vigna Murata, 605 - 00143 Roma, ITALY. Di Stefano G. Buongiorno M. F. , Amici S., Badiali L. , Lindermeir E., Pippi I. , Development of a Calibration System for the FTIR in the FASA Project., AGU, Poster, 2002. Geohazard Supersites & Natural Laboratories The Geohazards Supersites & Natural Laboratories A voluntary partnership aiming to demonstrate in specific Geohazard Supersites & Natural Laboratories GEO . +39 06 51860438, Fax +39 06 5041181 13 Abstract 14 We describe the state of the art of scientific research on the earthquake cycle based on the analysis 15 of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data acquired from satellite platforms. endobj <> <> endobj Lombardo V. , Buongiorno M.F. 2 . ESA EO Open science 2.0, October 2015 . stefano ha indicato 5 esperienze lavorative sul suo profilo. Starting in December 2018, the GEO Programme Board led an inclusive and iterative process to develop the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme. ��ԫǚ9i�H�Ϫ���= �+���������^�xG��p��2mL�{�[��6��V��#�>;Y��5�n�_Z�5s:v[���D� ORCID. SIGRIS consists of a hardware/software infrastructure that is designed to provide the DPC with value-added information … 0000-0002-7776-6544. 2002 Buongiorno M.F., Amici S., Di Stefano G., Mari M, FASA Mechanical and Optical interfaces description, nota tecnica INGV, 2002. Guarda il profilo completo su LinkedIn e scopri i collegamenti di stefano e le offerte di lavoro presso aziende simili. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. Stefano SalviVia di Vigna Murata 60500143 - Roma, Atto di nomina RPCT Dott. <> stream 2 . The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) recently initiated three thematic pilots on floods, seismic hazards and volcanoes, and is currently planning a fourth on landslides. We thank Stefano Pucci, Paolo Marco Martini, Fabio Villani, Giuseppe Pezzo, Stefano Salvi, Daniele Cheloni, Antonio Avallone, Emanuele Casarotti, GdL GPS‐INGV, GdL SAR‐INGV, and GdL INGV‐DPC for helpful discussions and for sharing preliminary results of their investigations. Loading... 4 0 20 0 false. I�q��?f\̎�C�J�A���|Y���^��;��{�a���::VX���x((�2!�l�1��I�|�f5�*����+�ަ�����Q̌Q��I&ƈ&u{Q�.�3�^���u��k��#a�ruvȊc��(wu���UW.��f��omW�mנ���Y5��7ex^���LzM��[ټ���s]�q� Finally, Eutizio Vittori (ISPRA) discussed the active faults and coseismic surface effects in the epicentral areas of the 1997 Umbria-Marche and 2009 L’Aquila earthquakes, whereas Paolo Marco de Martini (INGV) <> Dott. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. endobj Atti e documenti del Comitato Unico di Garanzia, Accessibilità e Catalogo dei dati, metadati e banche dati, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. <> Vancouver, USA . 6 0 obj Titolare del potere sostitutivo: Direzione Generale email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. I contenuti pubblicati su queste pagine dall'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia sono distribuiti sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. 7 0 obj È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. Here are a few examples of how you can use the search feature: Entering this and that into the search form will return results with both "this" and "that".. <> Stefano Salvi Research Director - Earthquake Remote Sensing Group National Earthquake Center – INGV - Italy. INGV - Chair of the GSNL Scientific Advisory Committee . Salvi, Stefano Network Lab View Statistics Email Alert RSS Feed. ��7=}9�nZ�Gw;�"�ӎ�q�����5m�u���W-�-7 ���Cfu}��1�꿫��t���S�l��"; ���ט�T�r�(����X;��'ߡw��7�ӡ۠5n`��a�[O�-�ss�`1�at�4M� 8]e Campi Flegrei volcano – PoC is at INGV - Naples 5. Responsabile della Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza Dott. * Correspondence: Received: 11 July 2018; Accepted: 31 August 2018; Published: 4 September 2018 Abstract: In this work, we use X and … Stefano Salvi . 10 0 obj S. Salvi, Delibera CdA n.679/2018 . 5 0 obj 8 0 obj Stefano Salvi Elisa Trasatti T2 T2 INGV INGV Approver (s) Pedro Gonçalves Cristiano Silvagni T2 ESA Authorizer Mirko Albani ESA Document Identifier EVER-EST DEL WP6-D6.2 Dissemination Level Public Status Draft to be approved by the EC Version 1.0 Date of issue 26 September 2018 . 12 (*) Corresponding author:, Ph. addy021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177 = addy021b142f720b6fd3fbe8bd285ea6f177 + 'ingv' + '.' + 'it'; Taupo Volcano The ... – PoC is INGV - Catania 4. endobj endobj Elisa Trasatti and Stefano Salvi INGV, Rome, Italy ( The EU’s H2020 EVER-EST Project is dedicated to the realization of a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for Earth Science researchers, during 2015-2018. <> Visualizza il profilo di stefano salvi su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. 6-8 September, 2016 . endobj Stefano Salvi Via di Vigna Murata 605 00143 - Roma. 1 0 obj . data, and Stefano Salvi (INGV) who showed the INSAR data for each event. Email. 3 0 obj Atto di nomina RPCT Dott. Geohazard Supersites & Natural Laboratories Commonalities Istanbul Athens Naples Quito Goma Iceland. %���� stream x��O�e�uƭE����Kgo��Ƌ���+C�d��`b0���0o�aDl�I�xlc� m���B&0�M�B-� "7_�/����?�?��f��(���V�:Uo��S�N-�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a�a<5����Շ����0�0n��w�|��7���۟���/=��?�}���_�������~~�'OL��aƭ��O��/|��?��'>�-�>S�śb�7�㽛��0�0��GY�����T�q^�){S��M��0�0*�n�����*��D����=ى���/=XO���[�ޯG¥ ~�go���}�����aW���^�Ͽ��QY�A/|��a�%E�/���w�����������W4�#��8�?���d��_�N��+=�s^}���mט�jNQ�RG�Զ�^�TC*kB�9��筮i�lP}���o�@`�_�sc. Researcher ID. FRINGE 2015, ESA-ESRIN . The Steering Committee also includes the representatives of all partners. USE OF SATELLITE SAR DATA FOR SEISMIC RISK MANAGEMENT: RESULTS FROM THE PRE-OPERATIONAL ASI-SIGRIS PROJECT Stefano Salvi(1), Stefano Vignoli(2), Simona Zoffoli(3), Vittorio Bosi(4) (1)Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma, Italy - (2)Advanced Computer Systems srl, Roma, Italy - (3)Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Roma, Italy - … Spectral Reflectance measurements of geological materials in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica Stefano Salvi(1), Francesco Mazzarini(2), Fawzi Doumaz(1), Valerio Lombardo(1), Cristiano Tolomei(1), (1) INGV – Laboratorio di Geodesia e Telerilevamento, Via di Vigna Murata, 605 00143 Roma, �"wX������sb�E,�xN[GT�r/���$ L�8�� ^Dl� &�Ms�6�0�`��(� R1 qDT��(",� I��������/���Z��>�h7�b �t��'�Y �I��>gI�ǝ��}P�[M 1a). endstream Entering this or that into the search form will return results with either "this" or "that".. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Stefano Salvi (INGV) Theodora Papadopoulou (ARGANS c/ ESA) WG Disasters #6 . endobj Stefano Salvi Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories initiative . endobj Rome, Italy . <> We examine the Christian Bignami, Cristiano Tomolei, Giuseppe Pezzo, Francesco Guglielmino, Simone Atzori, Elisa Trasatti, Andrea Antonioli, Salvatore Stramondo, Stefano Salvi Abstract On August 24, 2016, at 01:36 UTC a ML 6.0 earthquake struck a portion of the Central Apennines between the … On 20 May 2012, an M L 5.9 earthquake (Table 1) occurred near the town of Finale Emilia, in the central Po plain, Northern Italy (Fig. endobj � 14-16 March, 2017 . Stefano Salvi (INGV) Theodora Papadopoulou (ARGANS c/ ESA) WG Disasters #7 . WP6: Stefano Salvi (INGV) WP7: Hervé Yesou (UNISTRA) WP8: Eva Trasforini (CIMA) WP9: Lauro Rossi (ACR) WP10: Ester Vendrell (ALT), Clément de Alcala (ALT) WP11: Laia Romero (ALT), Fifame Koudogbo (ALT) WP12: Roberto Rudari (CIMA) WP13: Andrew Eddy (AG Europe) Stefano Salvi from INGV said, “This development is a crucial step towards empowering society at large with the latest technology to reduce risk from geohazards.” Once the Sentinel-1B satellite has been commissioned following being launched on 25 April, the service will double its … Credits: INGV “By using ... we were able to confirm the preliminary results obtained with Envisat data,” said Stefano Salvi from INGV’s Earthquake Remote Sensing Group. The Envisat interferogram, as explained by Stefano Salvi from INGV’s Earthquake Remote Sensing Group, shows nine fringes surrounding a maximum displacement area located midway between L’Aquila and Fossa, where the ground moved as much as 25 cm (along a line between the satellite’s orbital position and the earthquake area). Stefano Salvi Chair of the GEO-GSNL Scientific Advisory Committee INGV, Italy. Data integration ... • Salvi, INGV Rome Italy SAR data (about 70 % of existing ESA archive) • NASA/NSF funding for Unavco/WinSAR • ESA funding for Igos Geohazard. Stefano Salvi . This Work Programme was approved at the GEO-XVI Plenary, 6-7 November 2019 in Canberra, Australia. endobj The Chair of the GSNL Scientific Advisory Committee . Date: Monday, May 14, 10:45am – 1:15pm Venue: Salon de Actos The event aims to show the value that EO data, information products and decision support tools can add to DRM by improving readiness and actions through all phases of disaster management. The mainshock caused seven casualties and the collapse of several historical buildings and industrial sheds. fax: 06 51860501, Bandi di Concorso Bandi di Gara Avvisi amministrativi Amministrazione trasparente. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Western North Anatolian Fault – PoC is at KOERI 6. fax: 06 51860501 var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; <>
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