presidente commissione europea 2020
Schulz’s executive experience is limited to being mayor of a small German town. The Commission should be more careful not to create impediments to growth: it should improve the impact assessments that it carries out on draft laws, and resist the Parliament when it demands regulations that are unnecessary. Change colors Reset colors Close. Il coordonne et dirige les travaux de l'institution, qui possède notamment l'initiative législative, contrôle la mise en place des politiques adoptées et représente l'Union européenne sur la scène internationale. Il s'agit ainsi aujourd'hui de l'une des plus hautes fonctions de l'UE, avec le président du Conseil européen et le Haut représentant pour les Affaires étrangères. 11-12-2020 - 11:58. Le rôle du président du Conseil européen 2… Il presidente della Commissione europea è colui che presiede e guida l'organo esecutivo europeo, vertice governativo dell'Unione Europea. Le 1er novembre 2019, Ursula von der Leyen deviendra la treizième présidente de la Commission européenne, mais surtout la première femme à occuper le poste. “There’s not much we can do but wait and see what happens,” said a senior French diplomat involved in the deliberations. The challenges facing Europe are far too serious for its leaders to risk the choice of a weak Commission president. Linkedin. Publications, research projects, news & events. 17 TUE). Poliitiline struktuur. Un choix contesté, validé par une très courte majorité de députés européens. 8_commissione_eu ©2019-2020 DIARI BV . Ursula Von Der Leyen: présidente de la commission européenne. She would bring her experience as a minister and at the IMF, her communications skills and her economic expertise to the job. If the debates had featured not only Tsipras but also, say, Angela Merkel, Silvio Berlusconi, Nicolas Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen – politicians who have made an impact outside their homelands – many millions might have watched. What would a Biden presidency mean for US-EU trade relations. Ceux-ci sont, dans la plupart des cas, soumis au Parlement européen et au Conseil de l'Union européenne puis appliqués dans les Etats membres. Berna, 20.01.2020 - Una delegazione del Consiglio federale, guidata dalla presidente della Confederazione Simonetta Sommaruga, ha incontrato oggi la nuova presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen. First, the two leading candidates did not offer voters a real choice. Parlement européen : que font les députés lors des sessions plénières ? La presidente della Commissione Europea accusa l'UE: il Vecchio Continente si deve scusare con lo Stivale, garantendo il massimo della solidarietà C'est notamment le cas du Français Jacques Delors, qui donne une véritable stature "présidentielle" au rôle de président de la Commission. The EU has probably never faced greater challenges. Il représente également l'Union européenne lors de sommets internationaux (G7, G20...) ou bilatéraux, conjointement avec le président du Conseil européen. En outre, le président de la Commission est chargé de représenter l'institution lors des réunions du Conseil européen (sans prendre part au vote) ainsi que dans les grands débats au Parlement européen et au Conseil. Elle est toutefois indépendante des Etats, son rôle étant de "promouvoir l'intérêt général de l'Union" (art. Bruxelles, 13/06/2020 - L'intervento, in videoconfonferenza, della Presidente della Commissione Europea Ursula von der Leyen, nel corso della prima giornata di "Progettiamo il … The Commission is developing sensible ideas for improving the EU’s energy security – including boosting energy efficiency, accessing alternative energy sources, building gas and electricity connections between member-states and co-ordinating the member-states’ negotiation of gas contracts with third parties – but will need drive and determination to persuade national governments to adopt them. But the system of Spitzenkandidaten discouraged heavyweight leaders from putting their names forward. C'est avec le traité de Rome de 1957 qu'est créée la Commission européenne. Furthermore, the Commission has little executive power, except in a few areas like competition policy. Yet many intelligent and serious pro-Europeans want the Commission’s next president to be chosen by a method that is bound to weaken it. A third problem with Spitzenkandidaten is that this idea would make the Commission more party-political, at least in terms of perceptions. Nevertheless he lacked the clout to stand up to the big member-states, when the eurozone made mistakes, and was out of the loop at many key moments. * Encouraging the 28 to forge a common response to a more assertive Russia. Source: EC - Service audiovisuel. Basée à Bruxelles, la Commission européenne compte actuellement un commissaire par Etat membre. La Commission européenne est la seule institution en mesure de proposer de nouveaux textes législatifs. This is the system of Spitzenkandidaten, or designated candidates, promoted by the European Parliament and the main pan-European political parties. La popolare tedesca Ursula von der Leyen ha assunto questa carica il 1º dicembre 2019 e terminerà il suo mandato il 31 ottobre 2024. Indeed, that institution’s weakness is one cause of the EU’s travails, and thus, indirectly, of the rise of euroscepticism. Depuis le 1er décembre 2019, la présidence de l'institution est assurée par l'Allemande Ursula von der Leyen. L'Allemand Walter Hallstein en devient le premier président. And because there is unlikely to be a new EU treaty in the next few years, EU leaders will find it hard to craft reforms within the existing treaties that look substantive. La Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne (CJUE). Oltre alla presidente della Confederazione, all'incontro avvenuto a Davos nell'ambito del World Economic Forum (WEF) hanno partecipato anche i consiglieri federali Ignazio … A wave of europhobic sentiment may carry Britain out of the EU, while Russia is becoming a more menacing neighbour. Dans le cas contraire, "le Conseil européen, statuant à la majorité qualifiée [renforcée], propose, dans un délai d'un mois, un nouveau candidat, qui est élu par le Parlement européen selon la même procédure." Pubblicato dopo il. Qui est Donald Tusk, président du Parti populaire européen ? Despite these disagreements, even the modest EU sanctions adopted so far have hurt market confidence in Russia. The televised debates among the presidential candidates generated little interest in most member-states, perhaps because they were between largely unknown and uninspiring figures – the exception being Alexis Tsipras, the far left’s designated candidate, who has some charisma. Chronically slow economic growth, and a euro crisis that is dormant but far from resolved, have undermined support for the EU – helping anti-establishment parties to win 20 per cent of the seats in the European elections. Il perçoit également un certain nombre d'indemnités (remboursement des frais de voyage, indemnité transitoire, allocation logement, par exemple). Par ailleurs, des débats autour d'une éventuelle fusion entre la présidence du Conseil européen et de la Commission - pour créer une sorte de "président de l'UE" - existent aujourd'hui parmi les experts afin de rendre l'exécutif européen plus lisible par les citoyens et plus visible dans le monde. Particularly in the early years of the crisis, the Commission lacked the backbone to stand up to the ECB, Germany and other governments when they pursued harmful policies. Elle constitue surtout l'organe "exécutif" de l'Union européenne. European Commission's recommendations on the national Strategic Plans (Dec. 1st) 01-12-2020 - 10:42 Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, responsible for agriculture, presented the Commission’s recommendations to the Member States on the national Strategic Plans under the current CAP while the next CAP is under negotiation by the co-legislators. I would say that I regard the Commission, first and foremost, as an administrative entity and I would wish that political decisions be made primarily by the truly democratically-elected institutions, which are the ones in the Member States: the governments. (Agenzia VISTA) Roma, 26 febbraio 2016 - La presidente della Camera, Laura Boldrini, incontro con il presidente della Commissione Europea, Jean-Claude Juncker The Commission’s priorities should include: * Boosting economic growth. En 2014, les eurodéputés en profitent pour imposer à la tête de la Commission européenne le chef de file ("Spitzenkandidat") du parti européen capable de rassembler une majorité d'eurodéputés. (infographie). Plusieurs de ses successeurs ont influencé l'exercice de la fonction. Le Service européen pour l'action extérieure (SEAE), Le Tribunal de première instance de l'Union européenne. “There is no overall vision for Europe at the moment. The new President of the Commission was confronted with the same problem as her predecessor: each Member State sends a Commissioner to Brussels, but there are not 27 substantive portfolios to dole out. News 11 December 2020. This means that the president probably has to come from the party – or group of parties – that can muster the largest number of MEPs. Morten Messerschmidt (ECR), Member of the European Parliament:. Applica Cancella filtri. And although the Commission initiates legislation, the Council and the Parliament revise and then have to pass each law. Servizio. Filtra per. Il prendra ses fonctions le 1er décembre 2019. Several plausible candidates for the presidency – some with fresher faces than the designated candidates – held back from seeking nomination. [6] The Commission's first president was Walter Hallstein (see Hallstein Commission) who started consolidating European law and began to impact on national legislation. Presidente; Primo vicepresidente; Segretario generale; Servizio Protocollo ; Gare di appalto; Opportunità di lavoro; Tirocini; Attività. Europa Business School. d'améliorer votre expérience utilisateur. Share this page on: Facebook. Crédits : Union Européenne, 2019. European leaders should not indulge the Parliament by tolerating its attempted power-grab. The euro's difficulties have done much to damage the EU’s overall economic performance. Dans la pratique, ces réunions ont lieu tous les mercredis matin, à Bruxelles. 218). Le président de la Commission est élu pour un mandat de 5 ans, renouvelable une fois. President Biden: Don't expect miracles, Europe. And because the EPP won the most MEPs (though many fewer than five years ago), they argue, the European Council should bow to the ‘popular will’ and anoint Juncker. Home - Commissione europea. Brexit and police and judicial co-operation: Too little, too late? (art. * Coping with the British problem. The president must therefore be astute at building coalitions for change, explaining the benefits and ensuring help for those who may be disadvantaged. Second, the idea of Spitzenkandidaten is based on the assumption that if people vote for one face rather than another, policy will shift. The EU treaties are clear: when the European Council chooses the Commission president, it should take into account the European elections; MEPs then have to approve that choice. Charles Grant is director of the Centre for European Reform. Cerca. 234 du traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE). December 13, 2020 1:04 pm 4 Pressure mounts on EU regulator to approve coronavirus vaccine — and fast December 12, 2020 1:43 pm 5 World’s cartoonists on this week’s events December 12, 2020 4:05 am Subscribe to London Influence POLITICO’s weekly newsletter on campaigning, lobbying and political influence in the U.K. Le Parlement peut de la même manière mettre fin au mandat de la Commission par le vote d’une motion de censure à la majorité des deux tiers des voix exprimées et à la majorité de ses membres (art. Au cœur des décisions européennes : le rôle de la Commission, Au cœur des décisions européennes : le rôle des Etats membres. Pubblicato dopo il. Celle-ci est atteinte lorsque : Le candidat désigné par le Conseil doit ensuite être approuvé par le Parlement européen "à la majorité des membres qui le composent". Non abbiamo soltanto il tempo delle interrogazioni con il presidente della Commissione europea, ma anche il tempo delle interrogazioni con i commissari, un invito da parte del presidente della Commissione europea al presidente del Parlamento europeo e al Collegio dei membri […] della Commissione, e la nostra collaborazione comune con i parlamenti nazionali, il che è molto importante. La présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen, élue le 16 juillet 2019 au Parlement européen. Comment est "élu" le président de la Commission européenne ? You agree to PRIVACY POLICY. Pubblicato prima del. Elle joue un rôle central de garante envers « l'intérêt général » de lUE, ce qui fonde son monopole de linitiative législative. Elections européennes 2019 : mode d'emploi, La présidence tournante du Conseil de l'Union européenne. Toutefois, ce système n'a pas été reconduit en 2019. Most key decisions in the EU are taken by the Council of Ministers. Nel suo discorso di 20 pagine intitolato "La mia agenda per l'Europa" ha espresso la sua visione della prossima Commissione europea 2019-2024. Charles Grant Twitter. Search this website. Cerca. Lascia questo campo vuoto se sei umano: Europa Business School. Juncker has considerable political experience, having been prime minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013, but he left office under a minor cloud, having mismanaged a spy scandal. The difficulty is that the path to next year’s election, scheduled for the end of May, is strewn with political hurdles — from the Franco-German discussion on EU reform, to Brexit, to the budget. Get updates: RSS. A strong Commission requires a dynamic and effective president – one who can shake up the institution while retaining the confidence of both the Parliament and the member-states. In primo piano. L'Eurogroupe, organe décisif de la zone euro, Le Comité économique et social européen (CESE), Comité économique et social européen : 60 ans et une présence réaffirmée auprès des institutions. Qu'est-ce qu'une commission parlementaire du Parlement européen ? Une fois les actes législatifs adoptés, la Commission européenne veille à leur application, sous le contrôle de la Cour de justice de l'UE (CJUE). Le président en exercice du Conseil européen est Donald Tusk. Some of these measures would be unpopular. Toutefois, il peut y avoir des réunions supplémentaires si la situation l'exige (à la suite d'un événement particulier, par exemple). Qu'est-ce que le Comité européen des régions ? Comment le Parlement européen prend-il ses décisions ? The appointment of Juncker as Commission president would decrease the chances of keeping the British in the EU, since he (like Schulz) has an antagonistic relationship with them. They argue that the recent elections gave voters a real choice – between Jean-Claude Juncker, the candidate of the centre-right European Peoples’ Party (EPP), Martin Schulz, the candidate of the Party of European Socialists, and those representing smaller groups. Secondo Barroso, presidente della Commissione europea, l'Europa sarà giudicata innanzi tutto dai suoi risultati. L'organisation de la Commission européenne, Biographie : Jean-Claude Juncker, président de la Commission européenne, Isabelle Jégouzo : "quand l'Europe parle d'une seule voix, elle se fait entendre", [Dossier] La Commission Ursula von der Leyen (2019 - 2024), Qu'est-ce que le Parlement européen ? Most of those who voted have never heard of Schulz or Juncker, which is not surprising, since they are obscure politicians to most people living outside Brussels. But in reality the appointment of Juncker rather than Schulz would make little difference to what the Commission does, even if they held significantly different views: either would be constrained by having to work with a broad coalition of 27 commissioners, from various parties, appointed by national governments. Au total, sa rémunération s'élève à un peu plus de 30 000 euros mensuels. Join our Newsletter . Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2020/601 della Commissione del 30 aprile 2020 recante misure di emergenza in deroga agli articoli 62 e 66 del regolamento (UE) n. 1308/2013 del Parl The member-states have not reacted in the same way to Russia’s meddling in Ukraine: some worry about their military security, others fear for their energy supplies; some want the EU to prioritise human rights, others believe that engagement assists moderate voices within the Russian system. Whichever party wins the next British election, the UK is likely to demand major reforms to the way the EU works. The Commission has been poorly led, lacked focus and proposed too many regulations that are badly drafted. Qu'est-ce que la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI) ? News (10380) Risultati da 1 a 10. The president of the European Commission is the head of the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union.The president of the Commission leads a cabinet of commissioners, referred to as the college, collectively accountable to the European Parliamentcollege, collectively accountable to the European Parliament In any case, electors cannot realistically choose between candidates without knowing who they are. Selon José Manuel Durão Barroso, le président de la Commission européenne , l'Europe sera jugée avant tout sur ses résultats. Au sein des systèmes politiques, la Commission européenne possède cette originalité de représenter « l'intérêt général » tout en nétant pas issue du Parlement européen, élu, lui, au suffrage universel. Editoriale della presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen News 2 April 2020 European Commission Annuncio Brussels, 02 Apr 2020 Gli italiani stanno dimostrando la loro solidarietà reciproca nella quotidianità con migliaia di piccoli gesti – allo stesso tempo discreti ed eroici. Le mandat du président est de deux ans et demi, renouvelable une fois. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies permettant Jean Pisani-Ferry’s excellent new book, ‘The euro crisis and its aftermath’, reveals that from January 2010 to June 2012, US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner called the ECB president (whether Jean-Claude Trichet or Mario Draghi) 58 times, Wolfgang Schäuble (Germany’s finance minister) 36 times, Olli Rehn (the EU economics commissioner) 11 times and Juncker just twice. Insieme al Presidente del Consiglio Europeo, rappresenta l'Unione Europea nelle relazioni internazionali. L'institution, centrale, est tout de suite dotée d'une présidence stable. Americans choose their president: Europe must live with the consequences. On 15 December, the ITRE Committee will invite Ms Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, on the revision of Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (TEN-E … Pubblicato prima del. Suppose that the centre-right Spanish government broke eurozone budget rules, and that the Commission treated it softly; the institution would be accused of political bias. Tipo . The treaties, however, say nothing about Spitzenkandidaten. Komitee president; Endised presidendid; Asepresident teabevahetuse alal Only the most dynamic of Commission presidents, such as Jacques Delors, have been able to make much difference. Les traités et les institutions européennes en 3 minutes, Le processus de décision européen en 3 minutes, Le processus de décision de l'Union européenne. Juncker and Schulz hold similar views, supporting more powers for the EU without wanting to change much in the way that it works. Ils ont ainsi proposé le nom d'Ursula von der Leyen, qui n'a pas fait campagne lors des élections européennes. The present Commission was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957; it also replaced the High Authority and the Commission of Euratom in 1967. 07:02 În ultimele zile de mandat, Donald Trump amenință că-și va utiliza dreptul de VETO . En vertu des traités (article 15, paragraphe 5), le Conseil européen élit son président à la majorité qualifiée. 26 October 2020. Le président de la Commission européenne joue un rôle clé dans le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne. Others will be less enthusiastic, but after the European elections, fewer governments will be willing to say that ‘business as usual’ is acceptable. 1 December 2020 Ukraine ratified the Protocol amending the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (CETS No. Of the potential candidates from the centre-right, Christine Lagarde is among the strongest (though apparently François Hollande would rather not have her as president). Vaccin contre le Covid-19 : quel rôle joue l'Union... [Revue de presse] Numérique : un ambitieux plan pour réguler... Brexit : tous les événements depuis le référendum, Défense commerciale : les instruments européens, [Infographie] La procédure législative de l'Union européenne.
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